« #45 Blog Celebration | Main | #47 Seven Deadly Sins - Choose One! »

September 07, 2007


Eva Birdthistle

Oh these are brilliant, brings back memories of going back to school, yuck. Audrey is that you with the pigtails, hee hee, you look so cute

Kate Walsh

Brilliant work. Love all the different styles .


Yes - that's me! LoL ;-)

They are all fab LOs this week - couldn't even begin to pick a favourite!!!!


Well, I'm glad I'm not back at school, happy as they all look!
Stunning photo, Eva, easy to see you've been "to school", and I really love the sentiment - enjoy school and study will follow.


What treasures- how quickly time passes and what great memories to have. Eva - love your design.


Beautiful Lo's ladies. Sorry didn't have time to join in this week!


wow - must get by here more often and start joining in. Fabulous work again girls. Love the deadly sins idea - check out yours here ...http://www.4degreez.com/misc/seven_deadly_sins.html
I was so suprised at my result - not the greed or gluttony I expected.lol.

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